The history of our society
Past Grand Masters and General Meetings
1839 |
Manchester |
George Terry |
1840 |
Darlington |
George Terry |
1841 |
Stockport |
George Terry |
1842 |
Liverpool |
George Terry |
1843 |
Bolton |
George Terry |
1844 |
York |
George Terry |
1845 |
Wakefield |
George Terry |
1846 |
Huddersfield |
George Terry |
1847 |
Warrington |
George Terry |
1848 |
Dewsbury |
George Terry |
1849 |
Hanley |
George Terry |
1850 |
Bradford |
George Terry |
1851 |
Macclesfield |
George Terry |
1852 |
Derby |
George Terry |
1853 |
Ashton-under-Lyne |
George Terry |
1854 |
Keighley |
George Terry |
1856 |
Chester |
George Terry |
1858 |
Halifax |
George Terry |
1860 |
Manchester |
John Hall |
1861 |
Birkenhead |
W. H. Johnson |
1863 |
Wigan |
J. M. Cumow |
1865 |
Newcastle-under-Lyme |
A. Singleton |
1867 |
Huddersfield |
John Ashton |
1869 |
Oldham |
Edward Sewell |
1871 |
Birmingham |
John Massey |
1873 |
Preston |
Thomas Fidler |
1875 |
Derby |
J. Winstanley |
1876# |
Joseph Jowett |
1877 |
Wrexham |
John Holley |
1879 |
Swansea |
George Marshall |
1881 |
York |
James Wood |
1883 |
Leicester |
Alfred W. Bailey |
1885 |
Birkenhead |
John Goodson |
1887 |
Pontypridd |
Samuel Earlham |
1889 |
Burton-on-Trent |
Joseph Walker |
1891 |
Bradford |
Robert Walls |
1893 |
Shrewsbury |
Rbt. Hill-Male |
1895 |
Newcastle-on-Tyne |
Charles Parker |
1896 |
Cardiff |
William Eliff |
1897~ |
Bolton |
Alfred Jowett |
1898 |
Darlington |
W. Davies |
1899 |
Birmingham |
C. Postlethwaite |
1900~ |
Crewe |
Joseph Matkin |
1901 |
Leeds |
R. W. Williams |
1902~ |
Burnley |
W. H. Owens |
1903 |
Glossop |
Chas. E. Walker |
1904 |
Derby |
Walter Millington |
1905 |
Sheffield |
William Coleburn |
1906 |
Oldham |
William J. Tout |
1907~ |
Burton-on-Trent |
F. E. Willis |
1908 |
Leek |
George Bumby |
1909 |
Newcastle-on-Tyne |
Matthew Winter |
1910 |
Malton |
S. O. Williams |
1911 |
Wrexham |
Alfred Shaw |
1912~ |
Cardiff |
Alfred Fellows |
1913 |
Blackpool |
J. R. Taylor |
1914 |
York |
C. Foster |
1915 |
Chester |
W. Collins |
1916 |
Lancaster |
L. I. Jones |
1917* |
L. I. Jones |
1918* |
L. I. Jones |
1919 |
Derby |
R. M. Wilkes |
1920 |
Scarborough |
W. Woodall |
1921 |
London |
S. G. Halbert |
1922~ |
Boston |
J. Heap |
1923 |
Runcorn |
Arthur Davies |
1924 |
Sheffield |
G. H. Grant |
1925 |
Burton-on-Trent |
P. G. Wilson |
1926 |
Bradford |
John Taylor |
1927 |
Salford |
J. Flaherty |
1928 |
Scarborough |
J. P. Parr |
1929 |
Llandudno |
J. Groom |
1930~ |
Southport |
T. Sturgess |
1931 |
Chester |
R. A. Ellerby |
1932 |
Bridlington |
A. Keogh |
1933 |
Morecambe |
W. J. Figg |
1934 |
Harrogate |
J. E. Dawson |
1935 |
Cardiff |
T. Ashley |
1936 |
Wallasey |
E. Boyes |
1937 |
Kingston-upon-Hull |
J. W. Clare |
1938 |
York |
W. Williams |
1939 |
Fleetwood |
R. H. Hartley |
1940* |
R. H. Hartley |
1941* |
R. H. Hartley |
1942* |
R. H. Hartley |
1943 |
Fleetwood |
H. Lunn |
1944* |
H. Lunn |
1945 |
Morecambe |
W. W. Ellis |
1946 |
Scarborough |
W. W. Ellis |
1947 |
Newcastle-on-Tyne |
V. A. Bosworth |
1948~ |
Rhyl |
C. H. Pickering |
1949 |
Southport |
E. King |
1950 |
Morecambe |
E. Capper |
1951 |
Llandudno |
A. Lord |
1952 |
Scarborough |
W. H. Shore |
1953 |
Wallasey |
W. McLean |
1954~ |
Fleetwood |
E. Benson |
1955 |
Bridlington |
J. F. McGarry |
1956 |
Southport |
J. Parry |
1957 |
Llandudno |
W. J. Broughton |
1958 |
Skegness |
G. F. Mosson |
1959 |
Brighton |
E. Warburton |
1960 |
Morecambe |
G. Williams |
1961 |
Bridlington |
A. Castledine |
1962 |
Rhyl |
H. Carrington |
1963 |
Skegness |
E. Hanson |
1964 |
Hastings |
H. Gibbons |
1965 |
Llandudno |
C. H. Sambrook |
1966 |
Scarborough |
V. Flint |
1967 |
Fleetwood |
R. Kendrick |
1968 |
Worthing |
H. J. Moore |
1969 |
Great Yarmouth |
J. E. Watson |
1970 |
Morecambe |
A. Selvey |
1971 |
Skegness |
A. E. Cossins |
1972~ |
Weston-super-Mare |
A. E. Cossins |
1973~ |
Scarborough |
D. W. Graves |
1974 |
Fleetwood |
E. W. Lindop |
1975~ |
Great Yarmough |
E. W. Lindop |
1976~ |
Llandudno |
G. V. Bracking |
1977~ |
Scarborough |
E. Curbishley |
1978~ |
Southport |
C. Flint |
1979~ |
Llandudno |
A. F. Carke |
1980~ |
Weston-super-Mare |
C. Eddison |
1980~ |
Weston-super-Mare |
D. S. Pickard (Conferred) |
1981~ |
Scarborough |
W. A. Blood |
1982 |
Llandudno |
R. Thomas |
1983~ |
Southport |
P. Oldham |
1984~ |
Scarborough |
Ron L. Pryor |
From November 1984 |
Joseph A. Yates |
1985 |
Llandudno |
Joseph A. Yates |
1986~ |
Southport |
David E. Carr |
1987~ |
Weston-super-Mare |
David Lowe |
1988~ |
Scarborough |
Stanley Boothroyd |
1989~ |
Fleetwood |
Stanley Boothroyd |
1990~ |
Southport |
Vaughan M. Houldsworth |
1991~ |
Scarborough |
Vaughan M. Houldsworth |
1992 |
Fleetwood |
Christine M. Hunt |
1993~ |
Weston-super-Mare |
Christine M. Hunt |
1994~ |
Southport |
Margaret E. Lowe |
1995~ |
Fleetwood |
Margaret E. Lowe |
1996 |
Skegness |
Kenneth A. Siaw |
1997~ |
Worthing |
Kenneth A. Siaw |
1998~ |
Scarborough |
Brian A. Wardle |
1999~ |
Bridlington |
Brian A. Wardle |
2000~ |
Skegness |
Edwin Winterbottom |
2001~ |
Southport |
Edwin Winterbottom |
2002~ |
Weston-super-Mare |
Stephen G. Milner |
2003~ |
Great Yarmouth |
Stephen G. Milner |
2004~ |
St. Annes-On-Sea |
Emmanuel A. Ackah |
2005~ |
Worthing |
Emmanuel A. Ackah |
2006~ |
Scarborough |
June Calverley-Hey |
2007~ |
Manchester |
June Calverley-Hey |
2008 |
Fleetwood |
Nigel G. Earnshaw |
2009 |
Rotherham |
Nigel G. Earnshaw |
2010 |
Skipton |
Stephen A. Wardle |
2011 |
St Annes on Sea |
Stephen A. Wardle |
2012 |
Llandudno |
Michael Nsiah-Buadi |
2013 |
Manchester |
Michael Nsiah-Buadi |
2014 |
St Annes on Sea |
David Whittaker |
2015 |
Daventry |
David Whittaker |
2016 |
Blackpool |
Richard Penn |
2017 |
Llandudno |
Richard Penn |
2018 |
Llandudno |
Marian Blankson-VanDyck |
2019 |
Warrington |
Marian Blankson-VanDyck |
2020 |
Zoom Meeting- No AMC- No Installations - Covid 19 |
Marian Blankson-VanDyck |
* A.M.C. suspended (War)
~ Overseas visitors attended
# Elected by Committee, consequent upon resignation of Brother J. Winstanley

Our History
Although no formal records exist, historians have advanced the theory that an Order of Odd Fellows was established in 1452 by knights who were said to have met at the Boulogne-sur-Mere in London and formed a fraternity.
Large meetings were treated with some suspicion in those days, and wisdom possibly dictated that it be prudent only to keep records on matters of great importance.
From these early days sprang two Orders of Odd Fellows, the 'Patriotic Order' and the 'Ancient Order'. The existence of the 'Patriotic' Order has been confirmed, as a copy of the rituals revised by a meeting of the Grand Lodge held in London in 1797 has come to hand.

During these early days, there were a number of disputes and disagreements between the Grand Lodge and the Branches and this led to a special meeting being held, where a number of branches splintered off to form a new Order in 1810 - now better known as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) Friendly Society.
Subsequent breakaways from the parent Order and from this new Order resulted in the formation of further Orders of Odd Fellows. In the case of the parent Order, various lodges seceded in 1832 to found the Ancient & Noble (Bolton Unity) which subsequently dissolved in 1962, and in the case of the New Order, the Nottingham Odd Fellows.
During the early part of the 19th century there were further disagreements regarding the undemocratic way Rules were made and revised without the approval of Branches, which restricted growth in membership.
Eventually, the differences were resolved and overall government became the prerogative of the biennial delegate General Meeting vested with powers to make or amend rules, and appoint a central committee (Board of Directors) with authority to administer between meetings. The General Meeting is now held annually and is known as the Annual Moveable Conference.
The importance of membership in the early days was to safeguard family interests in times of sickness and adversity, as such protection was not provided by the State at the time. However, between 1912 and 1948 the Order administered State Benefits.
Branch meetings provided the opportunity to practice debating skills and they became a training ground for members with political ambitions. They also offered the security of belonging to a fraternal organisation with Branches throughout England, enabling members to meet other members on their travels.
It has and remains the proud boast of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows that there are no artificial barriers to membership, and any member may attain the office of Grand Master or other principal position in the hierarchy of the Order.
The motto or watch words "Friendship, Love and Truth" spread abroad with travelling members and Branches were established overseas leading to the formation of Sub-Committees of Management in America, by Peter Ogden in 1843 which currently has 50 main lodges and 56 Household of Ruth lodges with nearly 1000 members in total, and also in Africa and Australia.